The Summer Is Flying By!

As it usually does in northern Minnesota, the days get long and the summer seems to get shorter!  Seems like just yesterday we were enjoying a MN fishing opener, and Memorial Day, and now we are close to the 4th!

We’ve removed the old Sauna from the property, and have begun to make sure our spot is not the spitting image of the Sanford and Son property!  Progress is booming!

Spent 7 hours on Saturday fishing, and we did well!  While back trolling with a crank bait, we were almost able to fish the entire cycle (perch, sunnies, crappies, bass, northern), however the elusive walleye avoided us again!  The crappies, sunnies, and pike were fantastic and a blast to pick up!  Nothing finer than fresh filleted crappies and a steak on the grill!

Looking forward to celebrating the 4th with some great friends and spending time at the Lodge!

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